2012年10月18日 星期四

How to play Away3D on mobile phone

Last week I played Away3D on my old iphone 3GS for fun(see my previous post).
Now, you can download the full source from here,
or get ipa and apk file to test on your mobile.

Here is the web demo.

Step1: Open Away3DDemo.as3pro with flashdevelop

Step2: Work with AIR 3.2 and  FLEX SDK 4.6

Step3: Enable GPU Render Mode->Direct

Step4: Edit bat\SetupSDK.bat

Step5: Edit bat\SetupApplication.bat
Set your cert file(.p12) and mobile provision file(.mobileprovision).

Step6: check application.xml

Step7: Press F5 to compiler it.

Step8:  Package
run PackageApp.bat
for Android: [1]
for IOS: [4]

Finally, you get .ipa and .apk file in the "dist" folder.
Enjoy it~~Away3D Rocks!!

